Spatial and fictional trajectories

“” is a platform that investigates the connection between architecture and the written word.

The act of drawing and the act of writing are similar. They take the same energy and provoke the same hand movement, they require the same strength and will to put an idea onto paper. Writing is an act of drawing, drawing letters. Drawing is an act of writing in the most figurative sense. The act of moving your hand towards a blank page is the conscious movement of leaving a trace, of carving ink itineraries into space and paper. Architecture as literature starts with a stroke, with a figurative intention of transforming nothing into something. Stories and spaces are the raw material of our disciplines. We think that the creation of places to live, walk, write, paint, enjoy, are better when they are thought in a narrative way. Places are narrated in order to become your own. You cannot reside in an unnarrated place. Space becomes livable through narration. We as an interdisciplinary artist collaboration are engaged with binding architecture and storytelling together. Architects make formal decisions, they design beautiful shapes; writers invent worlds or discover them, they trigger an emotional orientation towards space. Architecture benefits from writing, writing benefits from constructed spaces. A built space makes a profound statement when it has a story behind it.

A project by Frida Robles – Writer (Mexico) and Stefanie Theuretzbacher – Architect (Austria); 2014